

"Nobody improves the world without first improving themselves." On this in-between-seasons Mind Bullet Monday, we discuss a topic that helped spur the Habit Factor itself: challenge and change.  If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you. Today we're taking a look at CHALLENGE and CHANGE through the prism of a few examples. The goal is to inspire YOU to find/create a new, personal challenge! First, we reviewed MG's personal "burpee" challenge in a prior episode. Feeling the need to challenge and improve himself physically, he set a goal back in January to do 15 burpees a day for 30 days — a goal that quickly changed to 30 burpees (done within five minutes) for for thirty days straight. 98 days later... his streak ended doing 45 a day on the "off" days and 120 on "target" days. Following P.A.R.R. (Plan, Act, Record, Reassess) MG upped the challenge in each successive four week tracking period. By the time the streak ended on April 11, he was doing as many as 5 sets of 15 daily. Habitstrength kicked in!