

“What gets measured gets improved.”  ~Peter Drucker When it comes to achieving your goals, the importance of tracking cannot be stressed enough. (Check out this Season 2 episode, Why Tracking Is Important.) To put it simply, the people who track are serious about goal achievement. So, if you're not tracking, you just do not want it badly enough! Tracking reinforces your intention. When you track, you are demonstrating and reaffirming your intention about what it is you really want. Think about our good buddy Ben Franklin, who tracked his habits to develop his desired 13 virtues. Fast forward to today, we have the example of the Oscar-winning documentary Free Solo, where rock climber Alex Honnold attempts to conquer the first free solo climb of El Capitan's 900-meter vertical rock face at Yosemite. Guess what Alex did during his preparation? Via journaling, he tracked his training and progress, reinforcing his intention. Another example: The author and speaker Jack Daly (a guest on this podcast) tracks ever