

"Keep looking up. That's the secret of life." ~Snoopy It's a true Mind-Bullet Monday as we take on this little nugget of wisdom that came out of the blue: Look up! Look at the sky, the treetops, the clouds more often!  Our vision tends toward eye level at best, and ground level at worst. But looking up immediately changes your perspective. You get a more panoramic view — in more ways than one. When we're beaten down by life's challenges, our gaze tends to lower. But looking up gives us a new perspective, according to research, and triggers other parts of the brain as well as changing your thinking patterns and mood Are YOU looking up? You may be surprised by what happens next! Listen in for more on pausing, looking up, and changing your perspective -- and see how it affects your world! Enjoy the episode! *** New listeners: By texting the word "HABITS" to the mobile phone number "33444" you will instantly receive your "hack"/habit tracker/habit development template, or you can download it here: thehabitfactor.