

"The more we do a thing, the easier it is to do. It's not that the nature of the task has changed, but our ability to do it has increased." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson When you want to develop a habit -- getting up early, for example, or flossing -- you may wonder how long will it take. Despite articles that say 21 days or 66 days, the answer isn't clear cut. Desire is the foremost component, followed by the capacity to perform the work and the knowledge about how to get it done. The key to habit development and perhaps success itself is HabitStrength! It's important to know that HabitStrength increases over time with consistent use -- and, it isn't binary.  By following the P.A.R.R. methodology (Plan, Act, Record, Reassess), for each 4 week period you increase your frequency per week and minimum success criteria. By doing so your HabitStrength increases! Listen in for tips and examples on increasing your HabitStrength and meeting your goals more easily! Enjoy the episode! ***** Resources Mentioned in This Episode T