

"Prayer is you speaking to God. Meditation is allowing the spirit to speak to you." ~Deepak Chopra Mantras? Levitation? In Today's FAF (Frequently Asked Friday) MG addresses the misunderstandings surrounding meditation and reveals how his practice has influenced so many areas of his life including the creation of The Habit Factor. After recently stumbling upon the book The Lazy Way To Success, MG came to realize the error in his "efficient" meditation ways — namely that meditation should not be rushed. (Listen in to MG's interview with Lazy Way author Fred Gratzon here.) So, what's the difference between meditation and prayer? While both are spiritual and valuable, meditation is about becoming still, quiet and LISTENING to your spirit and intuition. Prayer, on the other hand, is you speaking and communication in an outward bound fashion.  MG shares his experience with both and how each has helped to inspired and influence so many aspects of his life. Enjoy the episode! ***** Subscribe iTune here! Subscribe: