101 Hydroponics By Abel Prasad

The Real Issue: Don't cancel your flight to Bali.



Indonesia’s controversial sex ban has sparked warnings for Aussies visiting Bali — but there are “three things” you’re not being told, according to locals. Well, before you cancel your trip (or put a last-minute ring on it) here are three key points that the headlines aren’t telling you. 1. This law does not come into effect for another three years. A lot can change before then! 2. Only direct family (parents, brothers, sisters etc.) can report their own family members to the authorities — there won’t be ‘raids’ on villas or hotels etc. 3. You do not need a marriage certificate to check into your hotel and you do not need to book a separate room to your partner! This law doesn’t particularly affect tourists, but we do hope certain changes are made if it comes into effect in 2025, to protect certain freedoms of the local community. What can we take from here, don't always read whats in the newspapers and do your research.  This is Abel Prasad signing off for the day