Grace Church

Planning | Balanced | Week 2



Big Idea: We honor God with our faithful planning.  PROVERBS 21:5; 21:20  | WISE | FOOLISH | Planning ahead | Hasty | Saving (storing up) | Consumeristic (gulping down) | Financial health (profit) | Paycheck to paycheck (poverty)  The 3 Plans of Financial Freedom   Make the decision to plan.   Make a budget plan   3 Easy Steps to Budgeting: Determine your income for the NEXT month  Enter all of your expenses for NEXT month   Make your Income and Expenses for next month equal EXACTLY ZERO  3. Make a debt plan   Analyze Your Situation   Stop the Bleeding   Start attacking your debt    Next Step  Access Tools and Resources at click on budget and financial resources   Sign up for Financial Peace University at - Feb 27 and 28 at 6:30 PM  Help with budget coaching - email pastor Mike Crisman at