Underground Usa

Lies, Damn Lies & Joe Biden



Before we get to this morning's segment of The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I need to make a comment about the State of the Union Address and Joe Biden's performance, specifically the response that the Republican delegation gave to him when he lied about Social Security and Medicare.Give this a listen. I think it was an appropriate response of outrage at a blatant lie:I don't care if you're a Republican, a Democrat, an Independent, a Libertarian, Green Party member, whatever, we cannot just blindly vote for our candidate if he is a blatant liar!Joe Biden has proved over the years that he's not only a plagiarist, he's a fiction writer; he is a liar. This is a perfect example.Republicans in the House and the Senate have gone out of their way to say that they are not touching Medicare or Social Security. Yet the President of the United States, supported by the Democrat Party, insists on repeating this lie again and again and again. If you look at Hakeem Jeffries Twitter page it's all over that