The Dating Den

The Things Your Future Husband Wants You to Know with Matthew Coast



Marni welcomes Matthew Coast, author and dating expert, to ponder what makes men tick, and how you can attract the right men without compromising on your value system. Matthew has worked with both men and women to guide them on their dating journey. With a podcast that reaches millions of listeners, Mathew helps women shift their mindset to attract a high-quality man and high-value relationship. In this episode, the pair talk about what it means to know your value, and how to convey that. How your partner reacts to you is an indicator of his character, and his character is a good sign as to how this relationship will grow (or not grow). So, what is it that resonates with men? And how can you assert your value?    Takeaways from this episode:  - It’s about your mindset  - Be Direct  - How to be valued by your partner  - What drives him wild?  - Don’t obsess over your checklist   - His character is a good indicator Your Clothes Don’t Need to be Gucci, as Long as Your Mindset is [02:15] It all begins with the