Homers Leadership Podcast

8. How To Gain Experience In Ministry



Big thought: In today’s world, workplaces desire for us to have two things. That is EDUCATION and EXPERIENCE. So many people strive to get the education but are then shot down for not having the experience. Today I’m going to show you some real and available options for you to, not only gain experience, but to begin making an impact in your community NOW. Volunteer Somewhere. Local Church. This is probably the easiest place to start (depending on your church) because there is a variety of areas that your can dip your toes into. Faith based organizations. No need to re-create the wheel! There are so many different ministries outside of the “church” that help and support people within the community. Secular organizations. This area has incredible potential because it has a great need and a unique aspect in the fact that you will have to get creative in how you present the gospel while ministering as a volunteer. Find a mentor More specifically, find an actual person to help mentor an