The Dating Den

If He Says He Has Changed, Should You Trust Him? with Chris Gillis



Marni and Chris examine the dynamics in the relationships that make up the reality series, Love Island, to get a grasp on the faux-pas when it comes to dating. Dissecting the little tricks that we all do when out in the dating world, the duo ponders questions of love, betrayal, conflict and loyalty. Much of the way in which the contestants behave on the series is mimicked in our own behavior IRL. The insecurities that rear their heads just as soon as we’ve started to get comfortable with someone or the constant worry of whether or not we should trust him, are some of the questions that keep us all up at night when falling in love. How the contestants on Love Island interact with each other is a treasure trove of lessons as to the dos and don’ts in our own dating lives.    Takeaways from this episode:  - Be aloof, but not too aloof  - How to hit that spot between sexy and sweet   - Don’t compare him to your ex  - How does he handle an issue?  - How to deal with conflict  - Vulnerability is never easy   Does Ma