Keen On Retirement

How President Trump's Tax Plan May Affect Your Pocketbook



As the IRS starts rolling out its forms to taxpayers, there’s a lot of uncertainty and misinformation, clouding big picture tax issues for both individuals and corporations. A good advisory firm is proactive and thinking ahead on behalf of its clients. Good firms consider market realities rather than the high emotions that dominate the current political landscape. We try to help our clients think about their money in the same way and we are continually monitoring the on-going changes to tax structure so that we understand how our clients will be impacted. On today’s show, we try to sort out the facts from the what-ifs, and make some considered observations about what President Trump may mean for your taxes. Which proposed reforms are most likely to become law? Will there be a compromise with the Democrats? And what should you be doing to prepare yourself and your money for the next four years?