Keen On Retirement

This was fun. Have you tried it?



As you know, the name of our podcast is Keen On Retirement. Normally, we talk about things like Social Security and retirement income. But today we're going to talk about the fun part of retirement. Our guest today is Mark Wolf. Mark is a close personal friend of mine for nearly 20 years. I'm very fortunate to call him a friend. He also has a long history in the travel industry, and he is an expert on cruising. Carissa and I returned from a European cruise a few weeks ago. It made me think about how nice it would be to have someone come on the show, especially someone as close as Mark, to talk about spending some time cruising in your retirement. Mark has 50 years of experience in the travel industry and he shares some tips and pointers on how to get the most our of your cruising experience. Whether you've been on a cruise before or not, Mark has some great ideas and thoughts on how to make your next cruise your best cruise.