Homers Leadership Podcast

9. 11 Questions To Ask A Mentor



Big thought: One of the best ways to tap into your hidden potential is by learning how to see problems before they become YOUR problems. History repeats itself because we don't take the time to learn from the mistakes of people before us. Rather than waiting for someone to give you unsolicited advice, go out and ask people whom you admire about their lives and what they’ve learned. 11 questions to ask your mentor or role model What was your greatest obstacle? Who else would you recommend for me to connect with? What mistakes have you made? What's one question you wished you asked earlier? What accomplishments are you most proud of? What's the greatest piece of advice that you've gotten? What's the greatest lesson you've learned from a failure? What are you learning right now? What advice would you give to someone just starting out? What is the greatest change you've made as a leader? If you could do anything differently, what would it be? Take away: Make a list of 3-5 people to set up