Tanti Table

S3E1: no boundaries b!tch



Who’s counting our time? Are you using The Tik Tok? Do you have communication empathy? How do we talk about being lonely? Will humans ever be able to effectively use ‘best practices’? What’s Afghan Punk Rock Anyway? Do you miss sweaty strangers? The Tantis bring together the Thinkers Anecdotes News Taboos & Intersectionality of Berlin and beyond, sip some tea and question the powers that be! More about ‘What’s Afghan Punk Rock Anyway?’- https://afghanpunkrock.bigcartel.com/Hosts: Rhea Ramjohn, Armeghan Taheri, Goitseone MontshoMusic: original composition by Shannon SeaCover art: Mariama SowCreator & Exec. Producer: Rhea RamjohnSocial media: @tantitablepodcastContact: tantitablepodcast@outlook.com