Help For Hashimotos Podcast

Coffee with my meds, lethargy, depression, pain, fatigue



Most people seem to take levothyroxine in morning on empty stomach, but I can't wait for coffee. Does it really affect meds that much? I don't eat anything else, and take my coffee with a squirt of liquid stevia and unsweetened vanilla almond milk. The nurse at my doctors office insisted that I use nothing but water because my tsh won't stabilize. I'm thinking of waiting until after coffee and a small breakfast, maybe around 10-11am, because I don't often eat in the late morning/early afternoon. I tried taking it at night for a brief time, but was waking at 230-3am thinking it was time to get up. I can't do middle of night or set alarm early because of trouble falling back asleep once I wake. I’m curious about dealing with achy body, lethargy, headaches, allergies, insomnia, fatigue, depression, being overweight. How do you lose the weight and feel good? Is this even possible? It’s discouraging having hypothyroidism and hashimotos and just wondering if somehow things got better? I’m 33. Tired everyday, achy i