Diversity Stories

S03E26: Listening To The In-Between Part 3: Thinking with our Ears



In the three-part podcast series Listening to the In-Between we highlight different aspects of Pauline Oliveros's Deep Listening® practice. We do so by providing backgrounds, practical listening exercises, and by exploring theoretical notions connected to Deep Listening.   In part I researcher and music journalist Joep Christenhusz explored Deep Listening, together with Ed McKeon and Ximena Alarcón, who are well-experienced deep listeners. Alarcón described the INTIMAL App© that she has developed over the last years.   In the second episode, Deep Listener Sharon Stewart invited us to participate in embodied rituals of attention, a practice of listening to or sensing aspects of power and powerlessness in the world that surrounds us. This reconnected her to the ground-breaking work of Audre Lorde, “Uses of the Erotic: The Erotic as Power”. In this third and final instalment, 'Thinking with our Ears', Joep Christenhusz returns to Ed McKeon and Ximena Alarcón, featuring Sharon Stewart as well. They con