Going Rogue With Caitlin Johnstone

It Is The Mass Media's Job To Help Suppress Anti-War Movements



The narrative that Russia and China are acting with unprovoked aggression actually prevents peace, because if your government isn't doing anything to make things worse, then there's nothing it can change about its own behavior to make them better. But of course there is a massive, massive amount that the western power alliance can change about its own behavior with regard to Russia and China that would greatly improve matters. Instead of working to subordinate the entire planet to the will of Washington and its drivers, they can work toward de-escalation, diplomacy and detente. We're not going to get de-escalation, diplomacy and detente unless the people use the power of their numbers to demand those things, and the people are not going to use the power of their numbers to demand those things as long as they are successfully propagandized not to. This means propaganda is the ultimate problem that needs to be addressed. Ordinary people can only address it by waking the public up to the fact that the political