The Intuitive Woman

389: Forgive Myself with Archangel Zadkiel



This episode is sponsored by Moment:  Moment is a botanical water that I LOVE Drink your meditation.  Let me know what you think? Coupon Code: THEINTUITIVEWOMAN@MOMENT Today’s meditation first aired on Healing Meditation for Women, a part of The Women Meditation Network. I Forgive Myself with Archangel Zadkiel You have played it over and over again…..the sleepless nights and tormented anguish…you keep rehashing what you could have done better….You have been so mean to yourself….. It is time to see you as Archangel Zadkiel does……with love and compassion with mercy.. Allow this energy healing to release the burden of forgiveness with his help…. I call forth Archangel Zadkiel at this time of worry, stress and concern…help release me and help me forgive myself… bless this space and our Spirit for the highest and greatest good…and so it is…and so be it… This healing is best experienced laying down…..if you have a small ameth