The Intuitive Woman

377: Affirmation Meditation: Holiday Series



Today on the podcast we kick off the Holiday Series.  My intention each week is that when you tune in, you can feel less stress, more calm and peace this season.  I will be sharing, affirmations, guided meditations, channelled messages and stories.  Wishing You and Your loved Ones Happy Holidays Namaste~Tina   I am blessed and joyful I am enjoying each and every day of this holiday season  All things are working for me  I am in alignment for my highest good I am abundant and prosperous  I enjoy the company of my loved ones and friends  I make time for myself every day  Rest and social time are physically good for me  Making other people happy makes me happy  My plate is full of things and people I am lucky to have  I am grateful for the abundance of the season  I will allow myself self-care  I am connected to all the love in the world  I am present and at peace My happiness is more important than my to-do list  This season I will enjoy every moment