The Intuitive Woman

317: The Evolution of Spirit Talk with Roy



This episode is brought to you by:  Next Level Psychic & Mediumship Development October 28th-December 9th $325 Venmo:   Feel free to email me for details     Today on the podcast Psychic Medium Roy Tomko (Spirit Talk with Roy) joins us again a year later.    Talk about signs and synchronicities, this episode drops exactly one year ago and it wasn’t planned?    Well, not consciously planned but divinely planned, right?   Enjoy my conversation with Roy and catch up with all he has been up to.    What an amazing year he has had!   Please follow me on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen,  and I would greatly appreciate you leaving a review.   Namaste~Tina   Connect with Roy:   Website:  spirittalk with roy  Instagram: Youtube: LA Blade Article: