The Intuitive Woman

314: Tips on Developing Clairvoyance



Work with Me: Next Level Psychic & Mediumship Development October 28th-December 9th $325 Venmo:   Feel free to email me for details   Today on the podcast I share some quick and basic tips for developing Clairvoyance.  I hope you enjoy the exercises. Let me know on Instagram if they were helpful!   Blessings~Tina   This episode is sponsored by two of my September events.  One on Thursday  9/23 7-8:30pm est. with Psychic Medium Amy Dascola: Connecting with your Spirit Guides & Signs. *Zoom event and recorded for all participants.*   The other on Thursday 9/30 7:30-9pm est. Fall Into Spirit: Channeled Messages From the Other Side with myself, Roy Tomko and Debbie Squizzero.  This is a zoom Reading gallery event. *All are not guaranteed a reading* Register for both here: