The Intuitive Woman

313: Do You Need To Be Born a Medium?



This episode is sponsored by two of my September events.  One on Thursday  9/23 7-8:30pm est. with Psychic Medium Amy Dascola: Connecting with your Spirit Guides & Signs. *Zoom event and recorded for all participants.*   The other on Thursday 9/30 7:30-9pm est. Fall Into Spirit: Channeled Messages From the Other Side with myself, Roy Tomko and Debbie Squizzero. This is a zoom Reading gallery event. *All are not guaranteed a reading* Register for both here:      Today on the podcast I discuss a controversial topic. Are Mediums born or can develop?   I believe that Mediums CAN BE developed. Listen in as I discuss some tips if you want to develop this beautiful ability.    Some points I discuss:   1. Desire & Inspiration 2. Ask what is your why? 3. Books & Media 4. Find like-minded people 5. Automatic writing or journaling 6. Co-create with your Spirit Guides 7. Sitting in the Power & (Active) Meditation  8. Find a Teacher, Mentor or Class 9. Practice Practice Pra