The Intuitive Woman

312: September Spirit Messages 



This episode is sponsored by two of my September events.  One on Thursday, September 23rd from 7-8:30 pm est with Psychic Medium Amy Dascola: Connecting with your Spirit Guides & Signs. Zoom event and recorded for all participants.    The other on Thursday, September 30th from 7:30-9pm est. Fall Into Spirit: Channeled Messages From the Other Side with myself, Roy Tomko, and Debbie Squizzero. This is a zoom Reading gallery event. *All are not guaranteed a reading* Register for both here:   Today on the podcast is messages for the month of September. I chose three cards to represent the beginning, the middle, and the end of the month. Please check out my Instagram story for the cards images. If you’re not already following me, follow me here:   Have a Beautiful Day Blessings~Tina