The Intuitive Woman

299: The Empowered Spirit Tarot with Creator Terri Ann Heiman



This show is sponsored by: The Empowered Spirit Tarot Indiegogo Campaign.    Today on the podcast I haver the pleasure of having back my friend and teacher Terri Ann Heiman.    Terri has been a guest many times before on the podcast.    Feel free to go back on the library to listen to any past shows.   Terri is the creator of the Empowered Spirit Tarot deck and Adventures of the Empowered Spirit Study Book, she has opened up the idea of Tarot Reading in a new and exciting way.    All too often the Tarot gets a bad rap being called an occult, evil, or devils work but this is just not so.    The Tarot teaches you how to slow down and open up to all the signs and symbols around you, including those you may not be able to see.    Her latest creative project came out of her own questions during the Covid lockdown. “What I noticed that it wasn’t possible to listen to the media and news for all the answers,.there