The Intuitive Woman

How is your House a Mirror of You?



Join Tina and special guest Ileen Weiss Nelson. Ileen is a Feng Shui Master and founder of Long Island Feng Shui Institue.  Explore how our home mirrors our life. Learn to transform your home and clear energy to enhance vitality and well being.  Second half of show Tina will be taking callers for energy readings.  Ileen Weiss Nelson President & Founder Long Island Feng Shui Institute. Ileen Weiss Nelson is a coach for students and consultant for corporations and private clients alike. After working in the Fashion and Cosmetic industry for 11 years, her life was re-directed when she implemented Feng Shui cures from the book ‘Interior Design With Feng Shui’ by Sarah Rossbach and Grand Master Thomas Lin Yun.  She has been a Teacher, Consultant and Administrator for the past 15 years. Her work and ideas have been published in The New York Times, New York Post, Creations Magazine, AAA Car & Travel Magazine, Dan’s Papers/Hamptons and has been featured as the Feng Shui Expert on TV .Ileen is a direct student