Underground Usa

Why Won’t The Mainstream Media Complex Report On The COVID Smoking Gun?



Before we get into this week's segment on Talkback with Chuck Wilder, I wanted to touch on an idea that Marjorie Taylor-Green has been promoting and that's the “National Divorce.” I get what she's trying to say. She's saying it wrong.We don't need a National Divorce. What we need to do is revert to the way that our country was set up to be: 50 separate states with 50 separate constitutions and a federal government that fills in the cracks.Ever since Woodrow Wilson, we have evolved into a centralized federal government that has clawed power away from the states and that's not the way it was supposed to be. Our country was supposed to be 50 separate entities. This way, if California decided they wanted to live life in a certain manner they could without affecting Texas, Florida, or any other state in the Union. It also guarded against California using more federal tax dollars to bail out their irresponsible policies from states that have responsible policies. The government that was meant to touch our lives the