

With Google’s algorithm constantly changing, you need to be one step ahead of the game. It’s important to have a deep understanding of what has been working consistently through these changes and how you will properly adapt to them. In this episode, Arti Sharma explores some key changes every marketer should be aware of to have a real advantage for any upcoming updates from Google, especially around content creation.  Listen and learn in this episode!   KEY TAKEAWAYS FROM THIS EPISODE Every alteration to Google’s algorithm has consistently prioritized the user's experience.  Being adaptable is important, but making too many changes quickly without a data-driven approach won’t benefit you.  Slow down and analyze first what happened. Understanding the word queries you were ranking for before and not ranking anymore can be a starting point to help you understand what might be stopping you from doing well in the search. A holistic approach is a way to go. Don’t take Google at its face value. They will come out w