Canine Conversations

Predation Substitute with Simone Mueller



In this episode of K9 Conservationists, Kayla speaks with Simone Mueller about Predation Substitute Training. Science Highlight: Performance of Pugs, German Shepherds, and Greyhounds (Canis lupus familiaris) on an odor-discrimination task What is predation substitute training? A force free protocol to stop predatory chasing. What are the steps? Management/prevention: stay in contact with the dog while out, keep the dog on-path, perimeter training Tools: calmness around wildlife, so the dog can still think and perform alternative behavior (stand and watch). The deal is you can stand/watch but not chase. All parts of predatory sequence are inherently reinforcing, so we can allow them to eye/stalk without chase/bite Alternative reinforcement, outlet through predation games Interrupter (recall) What are the first signs of predation? Observing - there is no trigger yet, but they are looking for one. This is the time to get involved. Stalking - they are focused on the prey, tense and arrow shaped bod