Do It With Dan

Can Abundance & Manifestation be predictable? | Dan Mangena



Have you tried to manifest a new life for yourself, only to find that something unpredictable and unrelated shows up? Do you get caught up in feelings of unworthiness as a result, questioning the validity of concepts like manifesting & abundance? It can be very easy to feel completely powerless in the face of seemingly unpredictable outcomes. But we have to remember that our ability to comprehend the universe is limited to our three-dimensional, subjective comprehension. The answer lies in understanding and managing our desires. The unwanted results that we get are a result of the programs that we’re running on and the beliefs that we hold about ourselves in relation to the world. The skill is in learning how to consciously manage those! TAKE OUR FREE MONEY MINDSET QUIZ: Welcome once again Dreamers, to the Do it with Dan Podcast! The place to truly dream with your eyes open. It's time to expand our experience with some more great discussion on the power of the