

Waking Up Take away: You are responsible for freeing yourself of the program. Bio: Don Joseph Goewey is the executive director of the Center for Spiritual Exchange, which is the official archive for all the works of Anthony DeMello. Previously, Don directed a human performance firm that consulted with Fortune 100 companies to alleviate employee stress and elevate people’s experience of work and life. He has also managed the department of psychiatry at Stanford University Medical School, and headed The Center for Attitudinal Healing, the institute founded by Gerald Jampolsky M.D., which pioneered a psycho-spiritual approach to overcoming catastrophic life events and which in 2005 was awarded the Excellence in Medicine metal by the American Medical Association. Don is the author of the Amazon bestseller, The End of Stress/Four Steps to Rewire Your Brain, which is based on breakthroughs in neuroscience that facilitate the shift in mindset that changes brain structure to quiet stress reactions and amplify the hig