Angel Invest Boston

Mike Nolan - Fighter Jets and Machine Learning



Angel Scale Biotech: Learn More   Mike Nolan is an angel investor specializing in machine learning. As an officer in the Air Force he trained fighter pilots on F-15s. Mike relates the opportunities offered by graduate work at MIT both professionally and in investing. Fun chat with a buddy from Walnut and a listener to the podcast.   Highlights: Sal Daher Introduces Mike Nolan Piction Health and Machine Learning "... we don't frequently see companies that are on the bleeding edge of the academic research or the bleeding edge of what's going on and the top presentations at conferences and so forth, but that's okay..." The Capabilities of Machine Learning In the Health Field Mike Nolan's Background "... You got to picture this beautiful country, the White Sands, New Mexico, close by, and so forth, and here's this chimp running away from this 10-mile-long sled track..." "... They're highly creative people in a highly regimented situation. They are people who think in very creative ways, and so forth, and they h