Erasing Shame

Family Time around Christmas Doesn't Have to be Dramatic Like K Drama



Jeanie Chang of Noona's Noonchi chats with DJ Chuang about how the Christmas holidays is the annual tradition that gathers family together physically but sometimes it's not the smoothest sleigh ride in town. How can being family time be a better opportunity for meaningful conversations and growing healthy relationships rather than steering into family drama? That's what we talk about, having bite-sized morsels of intentional thoughts shared with kindness and firmness that have the potential to grow over time into the quality time, joy, and appreciation for the people we belong with in family.  Show Notes Noona's Noonchi • "a deep dive of your favorite K-Dramas from a mental health perspective" Connect with Jeanie Chang at Your Change Provider • speaker, therapist, author Jeanie Chang's book "A is for Authentic: Not for Anxieties or for Straight A’s" How Korean Culture Went Global on NPR's Thoughtline