Life Discussions With Dr. Jefferson

Black and White Community Reform in America



During the year of 2020 there were several instances of Police Brutality, which is when a police officer exerts unnecessary or unwarranted force against a potential of actual detainee after a crime has been reported and the officer is inn the process of making an arrest or still in the process of investigating the appropriateness for an arrest to. be made.  These instances have often times led to the death of unarmed individuals who have been impacted by such.  This has been as issue that has affected citizens and non citizens in America for as long as the black community can remember.   Blacks have identified as disproportionately effected by this atrocity against humanity as the arrests and deaths of black men and women at the hand of and in the custody the police have climbed tremendously in the past couple of years.  Not only this, but the recording and postings of the incidents have also increased as social media platforms have moved to a different means  posting by way of live v