Nysea Sports Talk

134. Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Grant Garcia discusses consumer wearable technology and how it's revolutionizing the medical field.



Consumer wearables such as Apple, Whoop, Polar, Garmin and so many others are revolutionizing how we monitor our health. It’s a Multi-billion-dollar market that has expanded way beyond just counting our steps. On this show Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr. Grant Garcia discusses the many uses and how its technology will revolutionize health care. Athletes are a big part of the conversation because as Dr. Garcia said, consumer wearables are the “Holy grail of athletics” in how this tech will help athletes, trainers, doctors, and the overall organization when it comes down to the players and how they are monitored. Athletes are competing longer, are aware of their sleep patterns, mental and physical stresses, and more.  Teams also monitor hundreds of thousands of algorithms to make decisions that they determine is best for an overall winning outcome. There is an abundance of tech such as pitchers’ sleeves, helmet monitors, heads-up displays goggles for swimmers, and much more. This tech doesn’t just benefit athletes