Nysea Sports Talk

Guest Dave Banks from FCA



ON NYSEA LIVE!! Dave Banks calls into the show. Dave is the Executive Director of Seattle's Fellowship for Christian Athletes. He discusses his program and the importance of coaching sports the right way at the High School Level. Banks who serves as the defensive line coach at Seattle's Nathan Hale High School just stepped into the role at FCA a few short months ago. A longtime pastor, Banks played his college football at Marshall University following the tragic events that led to the movie "WE ARE MARSHALL." Dave Banks and his FCA program are committed to making sure the athletic experience reaches beyond the results on the field. He discusses his plans to support coaches and players to find a deeper meaning in their athletic participation. Talks about being a part of Cleats vs Cancer and the evolution of coaching today's youth and more. We get Derek Sparks on the phone and discuss the upcoming Football All-Star game on December 29th. A great event designated to raise money and awareness for kids like his o