Slumberland | An Audio Drama

105 - Atlas Absurda: Hartania, Ulip Uqbar



Atlas Absurda is a podcast show hosted by Britte Thynoire, which explores unbelievably unique places around the world. In this episode Britte visits Slumberland Island to seek Ulip Uqbar, a man with a rare heritage. Ulip emigrated from the Principality of Hartania, which has been dubbed "the lost country" by those who research these sorts of things. For more info click here Britte Thynoire performed by Angela Yih Angela is a creative force behind the audio drama podcast Residents of Proserpina Park. Please dive into this wonderful show by visiting its website Ulip Uqbar performed by Adrian Silas Kusambiza-Kiingi Music by Blue Dot Sessions and Tim Clark The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors: felixblume, swiftoid, tomoyo-ichijouji, smokingsound, jknitter, jamitch2, and kupp2. Thank YOU you for listening to Slumberland!