Convos With Cindy Kema

Stuck & Brave



Hey guys! Welcome back to another episode. I'm sorry I missed you all last week, it was a whirlwind. I was really trying to get an episode recorded, but it wasn't happening for me. Nevertheless, I am back with episode 4, and I am talking a little bit about what it means to be brave? And why it's important.  This episode is exciting for me and I am confident that it will spark something in someone else as well. Please do not hesitate to share this with someone who may benefit from this episode. REMEMBER: "Sharing is caring" The book I reference In this episode is called "100 Days to Brave" by Annie F. Downs, and it can be purchased on Amazon HERE. Check out a brief blog post on my journey to brave and sign up for my newsletter: Stay connected with me on social: Instagram: (@cindykema) Twitter: (@kemacindy) Thank you for listening! Peace & Love Always Cindy Kema