The Path To Unlimited With Julien Marion

Yesterday Was My Birthday, 37!



Yesterday was my birthday and I turned 37! So, in this episode, I wanted to take some time to reflect on this new year of my life and share some of my thoughts on aging, time, and change. To be honest, it feels a bit strange to think that I'm now 37. When I was younger, that seemed like such an "old" age, but now that I'm here, it doesn't feel all that different from 36 or 35 or even 30. Of course, I know that I'm not getting any younger, and that there are some physical and mental changes that come with age, but overall, I'm grateful for the experiences and wisdom that each passing year brings. Looking back on the past year, I can see how much has changed in my life. Some of those changes have been difficult or unexpected, while others have been exciting and positive. I've learned a lot about myself and what I want out of life, and I've grown in ways that I never could have predicted. I hope that listening to this episode will inspire you to reflect on your own experiences with aging and change. Whether y