Sps Digital Learning Hour

Episode 22: Blended Learning Part 2 & Aimee Baron



This week we continue our dive into Blended Learning looking at a lot of the benefits of this educational model (we both love it), on ways on how it saves trees (less paper). Our Interview of the Week is with Aimee Baron over at Rebecca Johnson. For those of you who have never worked in a Kindergarten classroom, this is a must listen and she describes what it is like to incorporate authentic learning opportunities with Technology in her classroom!!!We also have a special Brightspace announcement for everyone out there about tools coming this month!!!!!!!Articles and Links:https://thejournal.com/articles/2017/01/11/what-effective-blended-learning-looks-like.aspx https://elearningindustry.com/subjects/elearning-articles/blended-learninghttps://www.talentlms.com/blog/top-10-articles-blended-learning/https://www.teachthought.com/technology/the-benefits-of-blended-learning/https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet/wp/2015/06/21/blended-learning-the-great-new-thing-or-the-great-new-hype/?utm_term=.41d37295e