Going Rogue With Caitlin Johnstone

Assange Is The Greatest Journalist Of All Time



Assange is not only the world's greatest living journalist, he is the greatest journalist who has ever lived. There's really no valid argument against this. Seriously, name me a superior journalist. You can't. Assange began his journalism career by revolutionizing source protection for the digital age, then proceeded to break some of the biggest stories of the century. There's no one who can hold a candle to him, living or dead. The fact that he is now in prison for doing great journalism tells you everything you need to know about our society. And now he's in a maximum security prison, solely and exclusively because he was better at doing the best kind of journalism than anyone else in the world. That is the kind of civilization you live in. The kind that imprisons the best journalist of all time for doing journalism. Reading by Tim Foley.