Underground Usa

Trumping The Soros Bright Shiny Thing



Before we get into this morning’s segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I wanted to expound a little bit on what we talked about in the incredible blunder the radical Left – the fascist Left – has executed in inditing a former president.Let's take the Trump thing out of it for a second because there's enough Trump derangement syndrome on the Left to last millennia. The idea that we can go back into an ex-president's past after he leaves office and start cherry-picking things on which to bring him to account lends itself to political retribution. This Is the stuff of Third-World nations. This Is the stuff of Venezuela, Cuba, etc.We can't have political retribution in the United States. Yes, if you broke the law you should have to pay a price for it. But going and digging into someone's past and digging and digging and digging beyond what you would do to a regular citizen to persecute him because of your political ideology, that does make us a Banana Republic.So, this George Soros-funde