The Dating Den

How You Can Complete Your Lower Brain Development to Retrain Your Nervous System with Nancy Sokol Green



Marni welcomes author, educator and TEDx speaker, Nancy Sokol Green, to the Life Check Yourself Studio, where they discuss the physical and internal mechanisms that affect our actions and by extension, our behavior in relationships. The duo talks about what it means to look at our foundations with the intent to start fixing. Our behaviors are a result of an underdeveloped lower brain. But what does that mean? It means that, for some, automatic body functions that are supposed to be fully developed are not, which goes on to dictate much of the way they act externally. Nancy dives into the details behind these functions and their influence on us. But, ultimately, to change, it takes going back to basics, back to our foundations.    Takeaways from this episode:  - How to change the biology reaction in your patterns  - Fixing the Foundations  - How is your lower brain impacting your actions?  - If it’s not there internally, it won’t be there externally  - Why can’t you forgive?  - How to develop your lower brain