The Dating Den

Why We Reject What We Need and Go For What is Familiar with Chris Gillis



Marni and Chris dive into the fourth season of reality series, Love is Blind, to take a look at what goes on behind the scenes of the dating world by contemplating the contestants’ behavior. The duo discusses what it means to be attracted to a certain archetype and how that reflects on you. Dating comes with its own set of etiquette, and sometimes it’s confusing, especially when you find yourself in that grey area between casually dating and being exclusive. Questions as to how to handle it surface. What situation warrants jealousy? When should you talk to the person about? Which partner should you pick? How do you navigate your significant other flirting with someone else? The questions are endless, but Marni and Chris take the example of couples on-screen to unpack all the answers.   Takeaways from this episode:  - Don’t fall in love with potential  - How to date from a place of confidence  - Stand up for your self-worth  - What you need vs what you want  - How to figure out your type  - Be honest with your