Homers Leadership Podcast

13. Learn How To Create Your Own Content



Big thought: Many people have a passion to say something meaningful but struggle with being able to articulate it in a clear and understandable way without it sounding like a regurgitated thought they heard from someone else. Today, I'm going to teach you three methods of creating a talk. But before we get into that I want to start with two things you need in order to develop the right mindset for a talk. The Right Mindset: 1. Have DIRECTION for your talk. 2. Be GENUINE for your audience and in your content. Three Methods of Creating a Talk: 1. Bible story based. This is the method of using scripture to either paint a story, share a lesson or invoke a challenge. This method is incredibly versatile because you can either use a single verse to unpack a concept, a person as an example to follow or be weary of, or full passages of content to show depth and reasoning. This is powerful way to connect with people at a spiritual level (and all other levels). 2. Principle based. This is the method of having a