Aubrey Marcus Podcast

My Dad Died: The Blessings Of The Father Pt 1 #407



On Saturday March 25, I discovered that my dad had died. As the intimate universe would have it, the tender and powerful @marcgafni (a Rabbi turned cosmo-erotic humanist mystic) was with me when my father was discovered. After four days of us sitting “shiva house” in mourning and celebration of the passing of my dad, I am utterly in awe. These days have been some of the most magical, miraculous, painful, and beautiful days of my life. This podcast may be the most important and vulnerable thing I have ever offered. It’s what Michael Phillip Marcus would have wanted.  Marc and I have been combining all of our human tenderness with elements of our respective mastery to co-create an evolutionary week of mourning, celebration, and ceremony. While many aspects of the Hebrew shiva tradition have been maintained, the practice has been evolved and adapted for this unique situation to include shamanic medicine ceremonies and the psychotech of the Shabbat table. Ultimately the purpose of this is to evoke the blessing o