Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

The Art of Feeling: Embracing Life's Highs and Lows EP 206



Are you struggling to put a name to the emotions you're experiencing? It's a challenge many of us face, without even realizing it. We assume we know how we feel, until life throws us a curveball. When we're faced with major milestones, like the loss of a loved one, marriage, childbirth, or graduation, we're suddenly aware that we don't always understand our own emotions. We may try to force ourselves to feel a certain way, even when it doesn't ring true. But there's hope. By putting in the work to become more in tune with our feelings, we can learn to navigate life's ups and downs with more clarity and authenticity. In this episode, I share some insight into my own journey of self-discovery, exploring how I learned to experience sadness, happiness, joy, and fear in a more meaningful way. It wasn't always easy, but the effort was worth it. I feel grateful for the ability to feel my emotions more often, even when it's uncomfortable. We'd love to hear your thoughts on this episode. Get in touch and let us know w