Pacey Performance Podcast

Managing hip and groin injuries and developing a robust injury prevention strategy with Nick Kane



This week on the Pacey Performance Podcast, Head Physio at Essendon Football Club, Nick Kane talks to Rob about how to rehabilitate groin injuries and how to set up an injury prevention system in team sports. Not only is Nick the Head Physio at an AFL club but he runs his own practice and is founder of the Sports Map Network, a resource that educates physios through multiple mediums. With that said, we chat about the gaps in education, not only for physios but for S&C coaches who are expected to rehab players, often without any formal qualifications. The first half of this episode sees Nick take us through how he assesses an athlete who is presenting with persistant hip and groin pain. He details what assessments he takes the athlete through and what he focuses on from a movement quality, and strength and function point of view. The second half of the episode has Nick explain how his injury prevention system at Essendon runs, what screens he uses in pre-season to understand where an athlete needs individu