Canine Conversations

Patreon Q&A with Caisa Persson Werme



In this episode of K9 Conservationists, Kayla speaks with our patreon Caisa Persson Werme to answer questions about training and alerts. Science Highlight: Back to the basics with conservation detection dogs: fundamentals for success Questions asked:  During the search he might stop after a while and look at me. If I don't acknowledge it in any way he takes off to search again with the same intensity as before. Is that the right approach on my part? Is he looking for guidance or just to check in/ see where I am?  When the search happens to be too long he comes back to me and sort of stares at me,or jumps at me and isn't as excited if I tell him to keep searching for the toy. What should I do in those situations? How much help can/should I give in the sense of walking closer to the toy, calling him to get closer or to stay at a closer distance to the toy, say if he's running in the opposite/wrong direction? But I feel like that might get him to think that I know where it is?  How do you kn