

“It's not the will to win that matters – everyone has that. It's the will to prepare to win that matters.” ~Coach Bear BryantThis Habits 2 Goals episode is FREE for ALL subscribers.While watching the NCAA men's wrestling championships a powerful mind bullet emerges.An excited reporter asks the Cornell head wrestling coach, "How can your wrestler assure victory?"The coach chuckles and replies, "Well, this is the easy part. All he has to do now is wrestle!"The lesson is simple and profound: Great performances rest upon a foundation of Planning, Preparing, and Practicing, "The 3 P's."The greater the pressure to perform in any event, whether it's wrestling, a concert, or a presentation, the greater the demand to Plan, Prepare, and Practice better.In The Pressure Paradox™, "The 3 P's" are detailed in depth.Notice how all the elite performers under the highest pressure situations tend to be the ones who Plan, Prepare and Practice the best.Enjoy the show!Visit learn more about